"Nurani Jaya Teknik"
Service AC Surabaya
Bulak Kalitinjang 1 No.45 Kenjeran Surabaya
Hp.082244668736 , 08977213718
Email ; prasetyaandi539@gmail.com
Kode eroorr Daikin
A0. : T1 - T2 diaktifkan
A1 : kesalahan di indoor PCB
A3 : drain air tidak normal
A5. : termistor rusak
A6 : fan motor indoor over loed
A7 : swing mtor terkunci
A8. : tegangan abnormal
A9. : expation rusak / konektor kontak rusak
AA. : 26wh aktif
AF : kesalahan di alat pelembab
AH : kesalahan di filter udara
AJ. : PCB rusak
C4 : termostat rusak
C5. : pipa gas termostat rusak
C6. : sistem fen rusak
C7. : swich panel rusak
C9 : termostat udara masuk rusak
CA. : termistor debit udara rusak
CC. : kontak konektor rusak
CJ : termis utk remot tdk fungsi
CO : pelindung konektor kontak rusak
E0 : safety device outdoor bkerja
E1 : kesalahan di outdoor PCB
E3 : HP bekerja
E4 : LP bekerja
E5 : compresor terkunci
E6. : compresor terkunci
E7 : fen mtor outdoor terkunci
E8. : kerusakan compresor
E9 : expantion rusak
EA. : kekurangan gas
EC. : termistor rusak
EF. : expation elektronik rusak
F3 : suhu pengeluaran tdk normal
F6. : HP abnormal
H0. : sensor compresor rusak
H1. : limit switch rusak
H3 : swit HP rusak
H4 : swit LP rusak
H5. : compresor overloed
H6. : kabel compresor rusak
H7 : signal posisi motor outdoor rusak
H8. : transistor daya rusak
H9 : termis udara luar rusak
HC. : kondensasi unit rusak
J2. : sensor tekanan rusak
J3. : termis pipa discas rusak
J5. : termis pipa saction rusak
J6. : termis heat exchangger
J7. : pipa liquid ga fungsi
L4. : plat pembuangan panas terlalu tinggi
L5. : terjadi overcurent
L8. : overloed
L9. : compresor terkunci
P1. : phase terbuka
P3. : kesalahan di sensor suhu PCB
P4. : kes di sensor suhu heat rediting fan
PJ. : prog di di data hold IC salah
U0. : suhu pipa masuk tdk normal
U1. : phase terbalik
U2. : kes di sumbertegangan
UF/U4 : komponen rusak
U5. : error di sinyal termis
U8. : kes termis antara remot dg sumber
U. A : kes seting utk selektor swich
kode erro .Ac cang hong
E1 power module overheating, overcurrent, short circuit
E2 current sensor sensing current is too small
E4 when the press temperature sensor heating temperature exceeds 120 ℃
E5 overcurrent protection
E6 outdoor temperature sensor failure
E7 outdoor coil sensor failure
Ea super-voltage power supply
Ec cooling when the outdoor heat exchanger sensor temperature exceeds 70 ℃ Protection
Ee chip EEPROM data read errors
F1 room temperature sensor failure
F2 indoor coil sensor failure
F4 for heating the indoor coil sensor 超过 72 ℃ Protection
F5 cooling when the indoor coil temperature sensor is lower than 0 ℃ following protection
F7 indoor board communication failure with the control panel
code error untuk ac mitsubishi heavy industries
E1 = Indoor PCB failureE2 = Duplication of indoor unit address
E5 = Indoor / Outdoor Communication error
E6 = Indoor Coil Thermistor
E7 = Indoor Thermistor (return)
E8 = Overload (heating mode) or Coil Thermistor Shorted
E9 = Float switch activated
E10 = Exceeded number of indoor units per controller (16 max)
E11 = More than one unit connected to controller while addressing units
E12 = Check adress if still on old 48 or 49 factory setting
E14 = master / slave setting or wiring error
E16 = Indoor Fan motor
E28 = Remote controller sensor error
E32 = 2 of the 2 phase power supply error
E34 = Abnormally low current on L3
E35 /E37 = Outdoor Heat exchanger thermistor error
E36/39 = Abnormally high compressor discharge temperature or thermistor error
E38 = Outdoor air thermistor
E40 = High pressure switch activated
E41= Inverter power transistor overheated
E42 = Compressor high current
E43 = Exceeded the number of inddor units to outdoor
E45 = Indoor / Outdoor transmission error
E46 = Address conflict
E47 = Inverter over voltage
E48 = DC outdoor fan motor error
E49 = Low pressure fault
E51 = Inverter PCB fault or Power transistor fault
E56 = Power transistor Thermistor
E57 = Low refrigerant
E59 = Compressor startup error
E60 = Compressor position detection error
E63 = Emergency stop of indoor unit
S01 = Suhu kamar kegagalan sensor
S02 = Indoor coil kegagalan sensor
S03 = Kelembaban sensor kegagalan Ganti papan ruangan
S04 = Comp. sensor suhu kegagalan Periksa sensor untuk kontinuitas
S05 = Terbuka coil kegagalan sensor Periksa sensor untuk kelangsungan
S06 = Terbuka udara kegagalan sensor Periksa sensor untuk kontinuitas
S07 = Terbuka kegagalan sensor arus Ganti papan luar ruangan
E01 = Indoor / outdoor kegagalan komunikasi Lihat diagnosa rinci
E02 = kegagalan sirkuit HIC (Compressor / Fan sirkuit) Lihat diagnostik rinci
E03 = Terbuka Unit OTP kegagalan rom Lihat diagnostik rinci
E04 = Puncak cut off saat Lihat diagnosa rinci
E05 = PAM atau kegagalan sirkuit aktif Lihat diagnostik rinci
E06 = Tinggi kompresor suhu debit Lihat diagnostik rinci
E07 = Indoor kegagalan operasi fan Lihat diagnostik rinci
E08 = 4 arah katup kegagalan switching (RV) Lihat diagnostik rinci
E09 = Tidak ada perlindungan refrigeran Lihat diagnostik rinci
E10 = DC penggerak kompresor kegagalan sirkuit Lihat diagnostik rinci
E11 =Terbuka kegagalan operasi E11 fan Lihat diagnostik rinci
E12= Kesalahan dalam unit outdoor Lihat diagnostik rinci
E13 = pencegahan Freeze diaktifkan Lihat diagnostik terperinciTerbuka kegagalan operasi
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